E X T R E M E    W A Y S
В игре всегда несколько фигур (с)

[size=16][url=http://extremeways.mybb.ru/][b]E X T R E M E    W A Y S[/b][/url][/size]
[size=10]В игре всегда несколько фигур (с)[/size][/align]

E X T R E M E    W A Y Shttp://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mda946kpen1rtrofoo1_500.gifA door left open
A woman walking by
A drop in the water
A look in the eye
A phone on the table
A man on your side
Oh, someone that you think that you can trust
Is just
Another way to die

[align=center][size=16][url=http://extremeways.mybb.ru/][b]E X T R E M E    W A Y S[/b][/url][/size][/align][align=center][url=http://extremeways.mybb.ru/][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mda946kpen1rtrofoo1_500.gif[/img][/url][/align][align=right][size=10]A door left open
A woman walking by
A drop in the water
A look in the eye
A phone on the table
A man on your side
Oh, someone that you think that you can trust
Is just
[i]Another way to die[/i][/size][/align]